Do you frequently need to export the same data? Would you like to create an export profile to reuse it?
Keep reading and we'll explain how to do it!
In the Data flow menu, select Profiles.
Click on the Create an export profile button:
Complete the identity information:
Select the export fil format:
If you want all data for the selected document type exported, you can move on to Step 6. If you don't need all available columns in the export or you need to change the names of the columns, then mapping will be necessary. You can:
Finally, click the Create button. The profile is immediately added to the list on the Profiles page.
From the Profiles page, you'll be able to modify the profile or launch an export.
To learn more, consult our online documentation: Export profiles
Key words: export, document, product sheet, media, asset, file, url, excel, csv, server, FTP, profile, template